Good to exchange info out of the tetrisfriends world, ha ha! Beautiful music, listening to Reminiscences now. It reminds me a lot of Brian Eno’s Music for Airports, with a dash of Pärt and Morton Feldman thrown in for good measure…
Thanks Andres! I just listened to your “Por El Momento” and thoroughly enjoyed it! It was nice meeting and looking forward to getting to know you and your music!
Hey Steven:
Good to exchange info out of the tetrisfriends world, ha ha! Beautiful music, listening to Reminiscences now. It reminds me a lot of Brian Eno’s Music for Airports, with a dash of Pärt and Morton Feldman thrown in for good measure…
Thanks Andres! I just listened to your “Por El Momento” and thoroughly enjoyed it! It was nice meeting and looking forward to getting to know you and your music!